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Личные данные

28 августа
22 в 53
  • 13 лет man
  • 7 лет man
168см / 5'6"
65кг / 143фунт
Кавказская (белый)
Начальный уровень
Готова переехать в другую страну
Административный / Секретарский / Канцелярский
Степень магистра
English, Russian, Ukrainian
Дружба, Брак
I am a girl who values ​​alone time. Spending moments with myself helps me find inner peace and inspiration. I often spend this time meditating, reading, or simply enjoying the silence. There is a sense of responsibility and reliability in my character. I always try to perform my duties efficiently and on time. My loved ones know that they can rely on me in any situation, and this gives me confidence.
My ideal man is someone who also has a sense of responsibility and reliability. I am looking for a partner in him who I can rely on in any situation, and who will support me in my aspirations and interests. I'm looking for a man who is open and likes to communicate well. My ideal partner is a kind person, easy to talk to and who loves the simple pleasures of life. Let's get to know each other better and see where this journey takes us!
My dreams are filled with bright colors and adventures. I dream of traveling around the world, discovering new cultures and experiences. Every country, every city is a new page in my book of adventure, where I can immerse myself in a unique atmosphere and enjoy everything it has to offer. My main dream is to find my calling and do what I truly love. I want to dedicate my life to what brings me joy and satisfaction, whether it be creativity, helping others, or achieving high goals. It is important for me to feel happy and fulfilled. Another dream of mine is to create my own family nest, where love, warmth and harmony will reign. I dream of a family where each member will support each other, rejoice together and overcome difficulties together. This is my main goal and aspiration in life.
Fitness and running
Bolognese pasta, mushroom soup, Caesar salad, fish roll, ice cream Modern music
Modern music